Swimmers who have completed Red Cross level 10 are ready to move onto the next stage of lessons.The focus then switches from strokes and technique to first aid and lifesaving strategies. The next 3 levels after completing level 10 are run by the Lifesaving Society. Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross help prepare swimmers for their NLS (Lifeguarding Course) as well as First Aid and Instructor courses.
There are no set age requirements for the 3 Bronze levels, however we recommend starting Bronze Star around age 12. Bronze Medallion (and Emergency First Aid) completed at age 13, and finally Bronze Cross at 14. KC Swim School is able to provide instruction up until Bronze Cross. Swimmers then will need to become certified in Standard First Aid with CPR C. When swimmers turn 15, they are able to complete their AWSI (Assisted Water Safety Instructors) as well as WSI (Water Safety Instructors). Please note that AWSI is a perquisite for WSI, and both require a set number of volunteer hours instructing a variety of lessons. Finally, at age 16, swimmers are able to complete their NLS (Lifeguarding)!
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